Easiest DIY Renovations to Transform a Room

If you need easy, budget-friendly ideas on how to transform the rooms in your home, then look no further! These tips can help add value to your home and make it more appealing to buyers if you are trying to sell. At under $125 per update per room (or as low as $5!), you can enjoy a modern, refreshed look in less than a day.

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Books I Read in 2022

I entered 2022 with a newborn and a new business, so it makes sense that I didn’t post a single time this year… But there was no way I could miss my annual book wrap-up! After all, this is the fifth consecutive year I’ve shared my reading wrap-up, and it’s been my biggest year yet!

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I Started an Etsy Shop! | To Be Bookish

For months, I have thought about designing journals for myself after not being able to find the perfect one. Finally, I decided to take some time out of my day to create a few designs. I ended up spending hours on end changing and perfecting these designs—and I loved doing it!

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Adorable Fall Home Decor

My favorite four months of the year are finally here! Fall, Halloween, and Christmas decorations back-to-back. On top of that, this is the first fall that my house is finished enough to decorate! I decided to take advantage of the extra excitement and put together a list of indoor fall home decor.

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